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It is very frustrating for both buyers and sellers if the website is not up to date. 

We have made several ways for both buyers and sellers to update the website. 

For Advertisers 

  1. The easiest way of updating your advert is when you are emailed an enquiry for your advert (via the form on your advert).  At the bottom of the enquiry there is a "Useful links" section at the bottom of the email. This has a blue "mark as sold" button. If you don't have a enquiry email, you can always fill out the form yourself, which will email you one! PLEASE NOTE: enquiries come to your registered user email rather than any contact email in the advert.
  2. Alternatively, log into your account then go to "live listings" where there is a button to mark your advert as sold. 
  3. When you have logged into a website, you can also find one of your adverts and it will have a "new" icon round circle with a cross. This will also mark an advert as sold. 

Recovering Your Password

If you have created a login before placing an advert we will use this for your adverts. 

However it is possible that you have never known your login. In which case, please follow the instructions below to create your own password to login to your account. 

  1. Find one of your adverts
  2. Then fill in one of the enquiry forms which will email you. PLEASE NOTE: enquiries come to your registered user email rather than any contact email in the advert.
  3. At the bottom of the emailed page you will see "Login Details" 
  4. Use "Your email" detailed there to create or change your password (using the Recover email password link below)

Recover email password link 

For People Making Enquires 

If you have just contacted an advertiser and they have told you that the item is unavailable please do tell us! 

The easiest way is to click the "if this item is sold please tell us!" button at the bottom of the form on each page. 

This will email the admin. We will then contact the advertisers. 
